Facebook ‘Dislike’ Button Suspicion (à propos du module firefox “j’aime pas”)
I just got an invite to a Facebook group titled “DISLIKE BUTTON is here – ADD it now!”. After looking this group over, I have very strong suspicious about it, and my first impulse is to recommend that everyone ignore it.
First: Facebook still isn’t adding a ‘dislike’ button. This is a third-party software hack, and has nothing to do with Facebook. Admittedly, the group does admit this on their info tab — but placed so far down the page that most people will never see it. This is shady.
Second: The instructions on how to add the dislike button have very little to do with adding a dislike button, and everything to do with getting as many people as possible to look at the group. Out of five ‘installation’ steps, only one — the last one — has anything to do with installing the button. The other four are just about spamming the group out to everyone on your friends list. This is shady.
Third: The dislike button itself is a Firefox browser add-on, and will not work for anyone using Internet Explorer, Safari, or any other browser. This is not mentioned anywhere on the dislike button group page. This is shady. Also, because they stress that you have to invite all your friends to the group before adding the button, many people will not realize that the button will not work for them until after they’ve already spammed all their friends. This is doubly shady.
Now, I don’t know what the dislike button Firefox add-on actually does or does not do once it’s installed on someone’s computer. However, given that they’re being sneaky about the entire process, and seem more concerned with getting their software on as many computers as possible, this doesn’t look good to me.
If you get an invite to the dislike button group, I strongly suggest ignoring it. if you use Firefox and have already installed the Firefox addon, I strongly suggest removing it. I don’t know that it’s bad, but from what I can see, I strongly doubt that it’s good.
Source: http://www.michaelhanscom.com
Je partage le même avis, il faut se méfier de ce programme et ignorer les invitations qui inscitent à installer ce module car on ne sait pas qu’est ce qu’il fait exactement; une chose est sûre c’est qu’il contacte un serveur non Facebook! d’après les utilisateurs qui l’ont essayé: il y a des ralentissements et dysfonctionnements de facebook, si ce plugin est désinstallé: les choses reviennent à la normale.
Conclusion: N’installez pas ce module, Ignorez les invitations et attendez la réaction de Facebook et son feedback par rapport à ce plugin.
MAJ du 18 août 2010: www.01net.com vient de confirmer cet article: Le bouton « je n’aime pas » (Dislike) de Facebook est un virus